Drain Game

The Tread Lightly Drain Game is a mobile environmental classroom which visits primary and intermediate schools in the Auckland region.

The Tread Lightly Drain Game programme explains the difference between stormwater and wastewater systems, shows where the different drains lead to and identifies the impacts of pollutants, contaminants and rubbish in the different systems on freshwater and marine environments.

'This was fantastic learning for my class - the children were so engaged. Thanks. The impact for our room has been a huge improvement of rubbish in our area and awareness for birds and local waterways.'
- Mt Roskill Primary School


  • Tread Lightly Drain Game

    The Drain Game itself is a bespoke built trailer which includes a model wastewater treatment plant and a stormwater system draining to a beach that show children the difference between wastewater drains that connect to the sanitary sewer system and stormwater drains that run into the sea.

  • Auckland's Urban Waterways -Virtual Reality

    Years 3-8 students watch Tread Lightly's bespoke 360 degree movies through our VR Goggles on issues facing Auckland's waterways. This activity helps students make the connection between our actions on land and the effects those actions have on our waterways and oceans

  • Catchments

    Through an interactive lesson using our “catchment boards,” children learn about the connections that exist between our activities on land and the effects on our waterways.

  • Wetlands

    Students learn about the significant role that wetlands play in protecting both our waterways and communities, as well as the importance of wetlands as a habitat for many native species in New Zealand.

  • Giant Kōkopu Game

    In this life-sized board game, year 3-4 students follow the journey of a Giant Kōkopu, a NZ native freshwaterfish, from egg to adult. This exhibit is a fun way to raise students' awareness of the issues facing many of our native freshwater fish

  • Patake Pete

    In this activity, year 5-6 students explore the effects of pollutants and changes to habitats through human activity on the the Pateke Duck, a New Zealand native species. This exhibit raises students' awareness of the issues facing many of our native species that live in wetlands.

  • Pukeko - Augmented Reality

    In this activity, years 0-2 students participate in an augmented reality activity by colouring in a Pukeko, one of the many native birds that inhabit our wetlands, and bring the drawing to life using the Quiver Vision app.


  • 'Well organised, relevant activities which engaged the children and fitted our programmes really well - a great kickstart to our sustainability topic.'
    - Mt Roskill Primary School - year 5 teacher
  • 'Thanks for coming in and teaching our students - they were very enthusiastic!'
    - Royal Oak Primary School

Request a Booking

The Tread Lightly Drain Game is NOT open for bookings in 2024. A stormwater exhibit is incorporated into the Tread Lightly Caravan teaching programme.

Full Name



Ideal Booking Date

Additional Desired Activities

  • Auckland Council - Healthy Waters
  • Foundation North
  • NZ Lottery Grants Board
  • Hynds Group
  • Citycare Water
  • Morphum Environmental
  • New Zealand Steel
  • Canon New Zealand

Tread Lightly Drain Game Supporters

The Tread Lightly Charitable Trust would like to thank the following organisations for their support.

    • Foundation North
    • Auckland Council
    • NZ Lottery Grants Board
    • Hynds
    • Citycare Water
    • Auckland Airport Community Trust
    • Kings Plant Barn
    • Comet
    • WWF
    • The Tindall Foundation
    • Visy
    • New Zealand Steel
    • Purex
    • Pub Charity
    • Canon
    • The Packaging Forum
    • Auckland Towing Camera Cars