Tread Lightly Caravan

The Tread Lightly Caravan (TLC) is a mobile environmental classroom that visits primary and intermediate schools in the Auckland region.

Through the use of fun interactive exhibits and activities, the TLC experience teaches students what they buy and eat and how they travel and use energy has an impact on the environment. TLC programmes integrate Western-science perspectives on environmental protection and restoration with Te Ao Māori customs and protocols. Students make pledges to reduce their environmental footprint and involve their whānau in implementing them.

'Great facilitators running this programme. Extremely easy to welcome into our school and we thoroughly appreciated their expertise. The programme was run very smoothly and delivered very professionally. Thank you!'
- Waiau Pa Primary School

Prices for 2024

Years 0-2 - 60 mins = $7.00 each (inc gst)

Years 3-8 - 90 mins = $9.00 each (inc gst))


  • My Environmental Footprint

    Students use a computer touchscreen to answer simple questions about their lifestyles (e.g. what is in their lunch box, how they get to school). The result is expressed as the number of earths needed if everyone used the same amount of resources the children are currently using.

  • Waste, recycling and litter

    Using our specially designed slice of waste exhibit, we discuss what a landfill is and how we can reduce the amount of waste we send to landfill. We discuss the importance of reducing, re-using and recycling and provide hands-on experience of sorting waste into specific bins. Year 5-8 students will learn additional information about various types of waste and the impact they have on the environment.

  • Energy

    Students pedal a real exercycle or wind a hand generator to generate their own electricity to raise their awareness of electricity and the amount of energy used by different appliances commonly found in their homes.

  • Video Microscope

    Students use a video microscope to get a closer look at nature. They learn about creatures that are beneficial for the environment, such as worms and bees and what we can do to help them. Students each get the opportunity to use the microscope to zoom in on different body parts of each creature.

  • Geckos and Vines

    Students play a life size version of Snakes and Ladders, answering environmental and conservation based questions to move through the game. This exhibit is a fun way to raise students' awareness of ecological issues in New Zealand.

  • Stormwater

    Students investigate how our use of water affects animals and organisms living in streams, with a special focus on stormwater, pollutants and litter.

  • E waste

    Students learn all about the environmental impacts created during the lifecycle of a mobile phone, and other electronics, and how to minimise their effects.

  • Tread Lightly Pledge Project

    At the end of the TLC visit each student has a photo taken of their chosen tread lightly pledge - an action they will commit to, to make a positive difference to the environment.


  • '“Fantastic hands-on activities that kept children engaged for an hour and a half. Highly topical and very important life skills for the children to be learning, showed them how they can make a positive contribution to the world we all live in. Educators were fantastic.”'
    - Epsom Normal Primary School
  • '“The hands-on aspect was great. The kids really enjoyed it. The planning and organisation was really good. Printing of the photos was a great bonus.”'
    - Wakaaranga School

Request a Booking

This is the availability for the Tread Lightly Caravan. If you would like to book the programme for your school, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. See calendar for up to date booking availability.

Full Name



Ideal Booking Date

Additional Desired Activities

Tread Lightly Caravan

  • Foundation North
  • Auckland Council
  • NZ Lottery Grants Board
  • Canon New Zealand
  • Visy
  • Purex
  • New Zealand Steel
  • Auckland Airport Community Trust
  • Auckland Towing

Supporters of The Tread Lightly Caravan

The Tread Lightly Charitable Trust would like to thank the following organisations for their support

  • Foundation North
  • NZ Lottery Grants Board
  • Auckland Council
  • Purex
  • New Zealand Steel
  • Hynds
  • Citycare Water
  • Visy
  • Auckland Airport Community Trust
  • Comet
  • Cannon
  • Pub Charity
  • King Plant Barn
  • Auckland Towing
  • The Tindall Foundation
  • WWF
  • Packaging Forum